Participate in research for the Fair Work Commission

Members and friends of the IRSV are invited and encouraged to support research being undertaken by the University of Sydney to assist the General Manager of the Fair Work Commission to report on the operation of individual flexibility arrangement provisions during the period 26 May 2018 to 25 May 2021.

 This research is focused on the operation of flexibility provisions in the Fair Work Act 2009, which includes:

  1. The extent to which individual flexibility arrangements under modern awards and enterprise agreements are being agreed to, and the content of those arrangements.
  2. The operation of the provisions of the National Employment Standards (NES) relating to employee requests for flexible working arrangements and extensions for unpaid parental leave.

The researchers are also interested, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, in the use of other types of flexibilities in the industrial relations system.

The researchers are surveying employers, legal practitioners, unions, HR managers and others about these matters.

Participants are asked to complete a survey which covers questions about their involvement in the use of individual flexibility arrangements and ‘right to request’ flexible working arrangements.

The survey can be accessed via the link below.  Participants are also invited to take part in interviews and/or focus groups. Participation is entirely voluntary. Further information is set out in the information sheet downloadable here.

The decision to participate (or not) will not affect any current or future relationship with the researchers, or with their employer.  

Please click on this link to commence participation. The survey will be open until 4 August 2021